Looking to sell off the following accounts. Pics can be found here: . Looking for paypal offers. ACCOUNT 1: Jeanne +Waver + Vlad [mid orleans] 4*: siegfried, d'eon, herc, lancelot. CE: Formal Craft, Imaginary Around, 2x Imaginary element. 22 Quartz and 8 ticks. Bday not set. Free quests available. Extella ticket redeemable. B/O: 55$ ACCOUNT 2: Waver+Jeanne+NP2 Altria/Artoria [story cleared] 4*: np3 herc, np3 atalanta, emiya, stheno, marie, lancelot, tamacat. A lot of lower tier are NP5. CE: Kaleid, Prisma Cosmos, Heaven's feel, Imaginary element. 21 quartz and 7 ticks. Bday set. Free quests cleared for the most part. B/O: 75$ ACCOUNT 3: Gil+Jeanne+NP2 Altria/Artoria [story cleared] 4*: lancelot, camilla, martha. CE: Kaleid, imaginary element. 29 quartz and 5 ticks. Bday not set. Extella ticket redeemable. Free quests available. B/O: 65$ ACCOUNT 4: Gil+ Artoria+ Vlad [started septem] 4*: herc, lancelot, camilla. CE: Limited/Zero Over, 2x Imaginary Around, 1 imaginary element. 40 quartz and 1 ticket. Bday not set. Free quests available. B/O: 45$ PM me for offers or if you have any questions. # #/RynerLuteXD . .