Sold Buying Buying Loaded Account - Wanting to spend around $125 - Show me what you've got

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Justinsane88, 7/24/17.

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  1. Justinsane88

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    First and foremost, I am only dealing with repped users. This is unfortunately a rule I don't waiver from, after being scammed too many times by new accounts on playerup.

    If you don't have any rep, please don't waste your time or mine.

    I'm looking for an account that is either on NA, or is available to transfer to NA servers.

    Looking to spend around $125.00 (will be using Paypal to transfer funds)

    Biggest things I'm looking for are:

    High AP
    Lots of materials
    Account upgrades (bag slots, bank slots, etc)
    Complete ascended sets
    Original Owner

    If you have something really special, let me know and we can discuss my offer in more detail to see if an agreement can be made.

    I have a fairly healthy history on playerup with 100% positive feedback on over a dozen transactions (both buying and selling), but will be happy to pay first before account details are exchanged if you also have high positive rep.

    Send me a PM here, or you can reach out to me on Skype: jacob.becker1988
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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