Sold [Offer] Gil + Waver + Herc + 3 gold servants + Kscope x 2 + Lzero and more just starting...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/afosco06, 7/24/17.

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  1. /u/afosco06

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    Hey guys, can produce more screenshots/info of everything if you'd like and will be using a middle man unless you'd like to go first. None of the accts have bdays set yet.

    Acct 1: Waver + Gil + Herc + Tamamo + Deon + Liz + Kscope x 2 + Limit Zero + Imaginary around + Sakura CE x 2 and much more. At the start of Orleans.

    Acct 2: Waver + Jeanne np2 + Zerkalot + 4* Ticket + Deon + Marie + Cu NP5 + Kscope + formal craft x 2 + heavens feel + imaginary around + sakura CE x 2 and more. Mid Orleans (5ish mission i believe).

    Also have a few single SSR accts for cheap:

    Acct 3: Fresh waver + tamamao + 4* ticket + bunch of 4* CE

    Acct 4: Jeanne + Liz + 4* Ticket + 2x Kscope at orleans

    Acct 5: Waver + Lzero + 2 x Heavens feel at orleans

    Trade references here:

    # #/afosco06
    . .
    #1 /u/afosco06, 7/24/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/28/17
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