Sold [Offer] NA Cheap Starters (from $1.5) Vlad, Gil, Arturia, Altera, Waver

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/heyfaynt, 7/24/17.

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  1. /u/heyfaynt

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    Most of these have 0-2 SQ in them. Paypal gift only :)

    1. Saber Altera + Stheno + Atalante + Herc + Heaven's Feel | $4

    2. Saber Altera + Hercules + EMIYA + LZO + Formal craft | $4

    3. Vlad III + Siegfried + D'eon + Stheno + Atalante NP3 + Heracles + Tamamocat | $5

    4. Altria Pendragon + Siegfried + Heracles + Atalante + Limited Zero/over + Imaginary round + Formal craft + Kalied | $5

    5. Altria Pendragon + Siegfried + Liz NP2 + Heracles + Limit Zero/Over | $3

    6. Vlad III + D'eon + Heracles + Martha | $3

    7. Gilgamesh + Stheno + Heracles + Heaven's feel | $8

    8. Waver + EMIYA + Heracles + Prisma cosmos | $10

    9. Vlad + Stheno + Prisma Cosmos | $1.5

    10. Vlad + EMIYA + Carmilla + Stheno + Heracles | $3

    11. Altera + Atalante + Martha + Herc + Tamamocat + Prisma Cosmos | $5

    12. Altria Pendragon + Siegfried + Marie + Stheno | $3

    Trade Reference -

    # #/heyfaynt
    . .
    #1 /u/heyfaynt, 7/24/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/28/17
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