FS: Knights of the Round Mid-Game. SSR: Lancer Arturia, Mordred NP3, Tamamo no Mae SR: Saber Lancelot NP2, Tristan, Gawain NP3, Saber (Alter) NP4, Arturia Lancer (Alter) NP2, Berserker Lancelot, Fionn, Santa Alter NP5, Passionlip CE: K-Scope, 2030, Volumen Hydrangea, Prisma Cosmos x2, L/OZ x2, Formalcraft x2, Holy Night Dinner x3, various other 5 and 4 star CEs Halfway through Camelot, 17 SQ/197 Golden Apples, level 93. LF: $40. Screenshots on request through PM. # #/valvelessKnight . .