Sold [Offer] WTS: 1-3 SSR starter accounts in NA, free 4 star unclaimed LF: Paypal

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Ceui, 7/23/17.

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  1. /u/Ceui

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    All accounts are starters that just finished tutorials. 4 stars ticket are unclaimed and you can get your 4 stars of choice. Paypal only. Preferable if you go first, but idm going with Middleman.

    If you need a screenshot feel free to PM me I'll send it to you.

    Trade References:

    1/ Gilgamesh + Vlad + Jeanne D'arc + Stheno + Tamacat - $35

    2/ Gilgamesh Np2 + Altera + Atalanta + Marie - $25

    3/ Artoria + Altera + Lancelot + Emiya + Kaleidoscope - $15

    4/ Gilgamesh NP2 + Marie - $12

    5/ Artoria Np2 + Stheno - $8

    6/ Jeanne NP2 + Heracles + Emiya - $7

    7/ Artoria + Lancelot + D'eon + 2x Kaleidoscope - $5

    8/ Zhuge Liang + Lancelot + Elizabeth + 2x Kaleidoscope -$7

    9/ Artoria + Emiya + Stheno + Martha + Tamacat + Kaleidoscope - $7

    10/ Gilgamesh + Atalanta + Heracles - $6

    11/ Altera + Elizabeth + Atalanta + Siegfried + Stheno + Kaleido - $5

    12/ Artoria + Camilla + Atalanta - $5

    13/ Altera + D'eon + Lancelot + Stheno + Elizabeth + Kaleido - $5

    14/ Zhuge Liang + Elizabeth + Stheno - $4

    15/ Gilgamesh + Stheno - $5

    16/ Zhuge Liang + Emiya + Atalanta - $5

    # #/Ceui
    . .
    #1 /u/Ceui, 7/23/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/28/17
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