2SSR: Altria+Vlad, Lancelot, Atalante, Elisabeth, Marie, TamamoCat + Formal Craft, Imaginary Around, 3x Heaven's Feel (fuyuki main story cleared) Altera+Vlad, Atalante, Lancelot, d'Eon NP4 + Prisma Cosmos Gilgamesh+Altera, TamamoCat SSR: Altera, Emiya, Lancelot + 2x Formal Craft, Prisma Cosmos Altera, Martha + Prisma Cosmos Waver, Martha, Atalante Gilgamesh, Lancelot, d'Eon Gilgamesh, Elisabeth, Carmilla, Lancelot, TamamoCat all the acc story/quest is untouched, bday not set and the 4* ticket is unused except is stated. will take any offer as long its REASONABLE. higher price will get a priority. # #/relightz . .