Sold Selling High End PVE Account, 100+ million credits, Rare Mounts, Titles, and gear

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by clack, 7/22/17.

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  1. clack

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    I am selling a 5.5 year old SWTOR account located on the Harbinger. I am the original owners and have access to all information from the conception of the account. The account is currently set to preferred.

    The account has 7 level 70 characters with the rest of the toons being under 70 (character select screen album below). The sniper has most of the credits, at around 113 million, and most of the high level PvE gear for raiding (level 240 and up). This toon also has rare raid titles from Dread Palace and Dread Fortress which are no longer obtainable. As well as the titles, it has the Wings of the Architect mount and Dread Enhanced Rancor, and the tank mount from Explosive Conflict. There are also rare items like the Crossguard Lightsaber, and the Crest of the Dread Master Helmet, as well as armor sets that are no longer attainable like the Dread Master gear. A link to an imgur album of screenshots of this character can be found below. There is another level 70 sniper and Gunslinger that compliment this character well since all of the gear is in legacy shells and can be transferred back and forth.

    The only other level 70 that has anything of note is a PvP sorcerer that is valor 79 and has the Season 2 All-Star title. Screenshot below.

    Overall achievement completion is 22860 , and operations completion is 88%.

    playerup doesn't let me use more than 4 links, so here is an Imgur album of all screenshots I mentioned.

    The remaining bits of the account don't have anything screenshot worthy, but anything can be requested and I can PM with a screenshot.

    If interested you can PM me about pricing and payment information.

    Thank you for viewing!!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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