Sold Selling HC 106 lvl 13 vip 84 server ahp 1727mln+

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kelko666, 7/22/17.

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  1. Kelko666

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    Hi !

    I'm selling my account for 300$

    Some infos about the account :
    - Lvl 106 : 91k/292k to lvl 107
    - VIP 13
    - 1 727 697+ ahp (+every day)
    - 277 365 Grand power
    - 95 088 Team power
    - 605 on 625 Heroes stars
    - Server 84

    Heroes, always full geared :
    -5 R3
    - 59 R2
    - 6 R1
    - 21 x full trained heroes in camp
    - 17 to 22 books in academy max investigate (1 books are not open)

    Device : Android & IOS
    Line ID : kelko666
    If you want screenshots from game, write to me in line
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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