Signup Date 12/26/2010 Game Version History Extra Character Slot Shadows of Angmar™ Trial Mines of Moria™ Standard Shared Storage Shadows of Angmar™ Standard Shadows of Angmar™ Guest Rise of Isengard™ Mithril Edition Riders of Rohan™ Helm's Deep™ Account Stuff - All Steeds are 78%, 120 Shared Storage, 30 Wardrobe Slots, Has Premium House Tokens, Premium Wallet. Has 4500 TP so you can xfer a couple of toons. Account also has 8 pieces of T2 Gear in the wallet you can barter for and tons of t1 gear. 27k Marks, 28k Meds. Cappy, RK, Guard, Champ are all 6/6 T2C for Throne T2C. Has tons of SOEs/Esseneces/Recipes/Crafting Mats/Premium Items (relic removals, Deed accels, 100%xp tomes) Lots of Consumables (hope + food/scrolls) Arkenstone Characters - lvl 105 Cappy Rank 11 with Rename. 81 Trait points, all equipped virtues 19, Red/Yellow/Blue Throne T2 Gear, all gold jewls including bracelets and class item, Has Red Group, Red solo DPS, Blue/Yellow LIs all 2h have perfect passives, all lvl 59 legacies. Guilded Weaponsmith. All essences applied are either Masterful Mights/Ithil Tempered Mights, and Ithil infused Morales with a few tempered. Agility, Fate, Might, Vitality Stat tomes are R18, All travel skills 5min CD, Has 71/105 Cosmetic Pets and 157/186 Emotes. Has store bought Cappy Steed + 34 others including all instance # steeds except Erebor. Original Challenger of Gothmog Landroval - lvl 105 Hunter, Male Elf. 79 Trait Points, Virts need work, Has maxed LIs. relics need updated (mastery over crit), has Throne t2c gear, all gold jewls minus bracelet and 1 gold ring. All essences are ith tempered agilities. Guilded Tailor lvl 105 Minstrel, Rank 7, Male Hobbit. 72 Trait Points, Has all t2 raid jewls + gold rings, Throne t2 gear + IF 4 set. Has atleast T8 supreme morales. Virtues need some work. Guilded Woodworker lvl 105 RK, Dwarf. 71 Trait Points, has all gold jewls missing 1 gold bracelet. Has throne 4 set for healing/Fire. Fire LIs are maxed wth perfect passives, Healing LIS just need LI EXP. All legacies lvl 59. Virtues need some work. Guilded Cook. Agi, Fate, Vit, and Will stat tomes are maxed. Has Class Item. All ith tempered essences lvl 105 Guard,Male/Man 73 Trait Points, has all gold jewls, Has morale tank build, BPE tank build. has DPS gear and LIs. Tank LIs are maxed. all equipped Virtues are 19, Guilded Metalsmith. Tank gear is all ith tempered morales/mitigations t8 supreme BPEs and t7 Supreme INC healing. All gold Wastes jewls are empowered and has gold shield. Stat tomes are all 18 except Will lvl 105 Burg, Male/Man 74 Trait Points, has raid jewls + 2 gold rings. No t2 gear but has Ambushers 4 set and some t1 gear. Has class item. All Essences are t8 Masterfuls Needs SOEs and LI exp. Virts need some work. Guilded Tinkerer lvl 95 LM Female/Man - Valar + 2 upgrade, Virtues at 12. Nothing else done lvl 95 Warden - Valard, Virtues at 4. Nothing else done Crickhollow - lvl 105 Champ Male/Man - 75 Trait Points, has all gold jewls minus bracelets. All virtues are maxed. Guilded Scholar. Red/Yellow LIs finished legacies at 59. Red 2h has perfect passives. Stat tomes needs Might 18 and Agility 16-18. Fate/Vit are maxed. Has Class Item. Almost all essences are ith tempered. Also has rank 9 Defiler, Rank 8 BA, Rank 7 Warg, Rank 6 Warg, Rank 6 Reaver, Rank 8 Spider...Most have all maps close to max Aud, storebought skills. Price is $500 OBO. Willing to negotiate.