Sold Selling Somewhat OP Knights & Dragons account Level 146 No SF, 4 DF, 70 gems $10

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KingShu99, 7/21/17.

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  1. KingShu99

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    Account cost $10
    The account has 4 DF, Main Characters stats are 4.7K atk and 4.6K def
    DF stats 1st Half leveled up 3.2K atk and def
    2nd Level 26 2K atk and def
    3rd level 17 2.4k atk and 2.7K def
    4th level 32 1.8K atk and 1.7K def

    Have multiple legendary pets
    70 extra gems to spend
    Character is level 146
    Game is beaten
    No guild
    2mil gold

    Contact on either skype or kik
    skype - XxBladez MasterxX
    kik - SiLvErGhOsT108

    *You must pay first*

    Pay with PayPal, Once you have the account it isn't in my care anymore
    No trades or returns
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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