Hello. I stop play seafigt and i go to sell my ship. Price: 60 euro paypal Info: ID: 14/xxxx (RARE) Level:20 EP: 377.xxx.xxx ELP: 329.xxx.xxx LIGA: Barracuda-liga RANK:Fokkenmaat GP:28k Talents:54/70 Cannons: 60-ponder lvl5 x185 60-ponders lvl1 x31 Voodoo kannonen x46 55-ponders lvl5 x106 Admiraals x47 Valuta: https://gyazo.com/6b41ec99064ab26607a1101376cfb346 Castels: https://gyazo.com/c808c1387535cdcfaaadbf2757240df6 Desings: https://gyazo.com/7306172a11b05a473cffe859ee4c7bba Items: https://gyazo.com/6e8e0b4fc58a43ff99307f824a9dc8e9 For more info ask. I stil play on it so the ship wel get bigger. Skype: ItsMehRevq Glen
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