Selling Selling Handle change, lti reliant, carrack, redeemer, and f7cm plus++ $800usd

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MasterGeneralB, 7/20/17.

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  1. MasterGeneralB

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    Selling my account due to financial reasons. The Price is $800.00 USD. You can re-credit the three LTI ships+ Weekend Warrior Pack and get back apprx $850+ bought UEC/UEC ($70 used on the two guns in inventory which cannot be reversed for money) to get actual real money value back. I am not here to flip or profit off the fact that you CAN NO LONGER OBTAIN THESE SHIPS IN LTI FORM...EVER...AGAIN. The limited edition goodies are bonus. I expect payment first then account info to proceed shortly after (during agreed upon time in real-time) via secure paypal.

    Contents include:

    -1 Handle name change
    -10,000 UEC 5,000 REC currencies
    -SW-Series Ballistic Repeater - SW16BR2 “Sawbuck” x2 (weapon worth 10,000 UEC)
    -UEE Environment Coat

    Reliant Mini Hauler - LTI (CAN BE GIFTED)
    Standalone Ship - Anvil Carrack - LTI
    Aegis Redeemer - LTI
    Weekend Warrior - LTI which contains:
    F7C-M Super Hornet - LTI
    Digital Game Soundtrack
    Digital Star Map
    Digital Squadron 42 Manual
    Digital Star Citizen Manual
    Legacy Alpha
    Squadron 42 Digital Download
    Star Citizen Digital Download
    Model II Arclight Sidearm

    -SelfLand Hangar
    -VFG Industrial Hangar
    -Aeroview Hangar
    -Revel & York Hangar

    -Christmas Reward! (wreath)
    -Takuetsu Reliant Model
    -Reliant Poster
    -Space Globe - Good Health
    -Takuetsu Mustang Delta Model
    -Takuetsu Racing Origin M50 2944
    -Takuetsu RSI Constellation Phoenix 2944
    -Takuetsu MISC Freelancer MIS 2944
    -Locker From Another Universe
    -100M Reward - 2945 War Bond
    -UEE Calendar

    Image proof can be sent upon request. I have checked the prices for just raw ships from the stores in this forum and have ensured that the cost is well worth it. I wont haggle for less.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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