Sold Pc+ps4 70 drk, 72m gil, rare exclusive items, pvp achievements, much more

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vick5, 7/19/17.

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  1. vick5

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    I am the original account owner. Played for 2 years and just recently quit after reaching end game in the newest expansion.

    Yes, I am new to this site and people scamming account sales has run rampant, however this purchase is guaranteed and I will go through whatever it takes to give you security and assurance (going through a preferred moderator, tradeguard, etc)
    -My paypal account is bank verified and tied to a 400+ 100% positive feedback rating and highly active seller account on Ebay and I will in no way, shape or form, risk the loss of my accounts due to negligence.


    -DUAL PLATFORM ACCOUNT PC + PS4. PS4 access only goes up to Heavensward and requires a Stormblood expansion purchase for PS4. Stormblood can be normally accessed via PC
    -Gilgamesh account - High pop server. Server is closed to new players and players wanting to transfer into it
    -Veteran Reward Rank 9 - 630 Days Subbed
    -MSQ fully completed. Jump right into end game
    -Tons of pvp achievements and mounts (ADS mounts, Boat mount, Hand of mercy title - 5k kills, etc)
    -DRK lvl 70 - END GAME READY, Most combat at level 60. Botanist and Miner at level 70. See pics below
    -Private house owned on Gilgamesh in Lavender Beds
    -Solo owned free company at rank 8, ready for your own guild and ready to purchase a new house (Kugane housing releasing soon)
    -Several alt characters on the same Data Center (lvl 60 SMN on Gilgamesh, Level 1 ARC on Gilgamesh, lvl 60 WAR on Jenova, lvl 1 GLA on Balmung - Closed Server)
    -72M GIL on main account (Gilgamesh)
    -Much much more (See pics and more details below)

    ARR + HW Collectors editions obtained which gives you 2 fantasias for any new character you create.

    [PC - ARR/HW/Stormblood access] all collectors edition except for SB
    Stormblood main story complete with all aether currents unlocked with speed boosts unlocked on Heavensward Maps.

    [PS4 - Up to HW]
    (Yes you can use this account to log on from a PS4, but you would only get access up to HW, unless you purchased SB for it separately)

    Veteran Reward Rank 9 - (630 days subscribed)
    Main account is on Gilgamesh - LVL 70 DRK with main scenario for stormblood complete. Susano EX cleared with 320 DRK wep obtained. ilvl and gear are ready for the next raid tier


    Bard almost 65. Most combat classes at 60. (See photos)
    ALL DOH at 60 (melded ironworks set).
    DOL - 70 with all folklore/legendary nodes unlocked to date.
    4 retainers packed with mats and various items
    Various items purchased from Mogstation
    -(emotes, bohemian set - male, etc)
    -includes fantasia

    -Alt SMN LVL 60 on Gilgamesh. - includes fantasia
    -Alt WAR LVL 60 on Jenova. - includes fantasia
    -Alt LVL 1 War on Balmung. - includes fantasia

    (please note: gilgamesh and balmung are closed for new characters and transfer due to high population and congestion issues. SE currently has a campaign running to give players the opportunity to transfer off these servers for free, with a few bonuses (gil cap removed, etc) so please keep in mind that you can transfer these characters for free (with the exception of jenova) to 3 preferred low-pop worlds that SE has chosen (Adamantoise, Midgardsormr, Siren).

    Tons of achievements, some hard to obtain.
    The Hand of Mercy (title) - 5000 kills in pvp
    Both pvp ADS mounts - Red and white
    Full commander coat and set - 100 wins Seal Rock (Frontline)
    The keeper of knowledge (title) - Occupy 300 tomeliths (Seal rock)
    Feast Boat mount - 200 feast pvp wins
    Silver Feast Earring (Season 2 )
    Bronze Feast Earring (Season 1)
    Fenrir pup minion (Rare drop from feast pvp)

    72m GIL on gilgamesh (This is worth a lot on its own)
    600k MGP - Gold Saucer Currency
    FC rank 8 - Ready to purchase new house
    Private cottage in Lavender Beds w/tons of items

    I can only mention so much, but the pictures speak for themselves.

    Please view the full imgur album here:

    Please message me regarding any questions, concerns and/or offers and I will get back to you ASAP.

    I use discord.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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