Sold Selling [NA] 2 acc's with S-Alter / Waver / Kaleidoscope / Ascension and much more

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ryliks, 7/18/17.

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  1. Ryliks

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    I offer two s-alter accounts. Both finished the orleans / Jeanne Alter story arc

    1st account has :
    Waver ascension 2 lvl 60
    S-Alter Ascension 1 Lvl 50 ( needs 4 dragon tooth for 2rd ascension )
    Martha Ascension 1 Lvl 50
    Herc Ascension 1 Lvl 49
    Lily Saber Lvl 41
    Medusa Lvl 40 NP 5 (!)
    Atalante Lvl 1
    Those are the notewqorthy servants.
    CE's Kaleidoscope (5 star) Atalante Lvl 1
    Formal Craft (5 star)
    Limited Zero/Over (5 star)
    Prisma Cosmos (5 star)
    The Imaginary Element 2x ( 4 Star) and many more 4 stars.

    This account has 23 Quartz stored

    Will sell the account for 50 Usd.

    The other account is:
    S-Alter Ascension Lvl 1 Lvl 50
    Herc Ascension 1 Lvl 50
    Emiya Lvl 30 sth.
    Saber Lily.

    The screenie old by now, but displays the noteworthy servants and ce's.
    This one goes for 15 Euro

    Accepting paypal only.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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