I am selling my Blackops3 prestige 820 account with almost 2kd and diamond Ars SMG & Pistols with all hero gear. dlc weapons include PPSH FFAR m1 grand & hg40 only but lots of dlc melee weapons It is also prestige master in Infinite Warfare & Advanced Warfare. It has Ultimate teams in Fifa15, 16 and 17. and division 1 in all of them. PSN ID is short and simple It is maximum light for Warlock and Hunter in Destiny It has some full games on it like Metal gear solid, Uncharted4, Wallenstein & Evil within It is also high level in GTA This account is good allrounder Prices are # I dont mind using middleman services but i put the price higher there because of their charges Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service kik: MattCodPro Email: [email protected]
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