Sold Selling Jp 16 ssr dual jeanne+musashi+ishtar+mhx+mhxa+kiara+melt+more

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DefaultAsianGuy, 7/18/17.

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  1. DefaultAsianGuy

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    Musashi, Mordred, Altera, Artoria (NP2), Shinjuku Archer, Ishtar, Tesla, Enkidu (NP 2), Tamacaster, MHX (NP 2), JTR, MHXA, Jeanne, Jalter, Kiara, Melt

    SRs (Just notable ones):
    Berserker of El dorado, Agartha Loli Assassin, Passionlip, Lancelot Saber, Kuro, Chacha, BB, Both Santa alters, Liz caster and saber etc.

    Don't have summer Scath but I am actively playing and already have enough for Level 80. just waiting for Part 2 of event for NP 5.

    PM for more info

    Price: $180 USD Paypal
    I don't mind account trade if you have an around equal Scathatch Raikou End game account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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