Hello and Welcome to Deliriux Industries Limit Burst Injection SHOP! CONTACT INFO: Skype: DeliriuxIndustries Line: DeliriuxIndustries Discord: DeliriuxIndustries#1479 I am selling Limit Burst Injection services, like a normal Injection service I will need to access your account during the process. I can raise any units limit burst to the max level of 25/25. It is advised that your unit is awakened to 6* form, otherwise I won't be able to do 25/25. This is the Legend for unit Limit Burst levels: 2* = 5/5 , 3* = 10/10 , 4* = 15/15 , 5* = 20/20 , 6* = 25/25 View my Positive Feedback: https://www.playerup.com/itrader.php?u=655700 **NOTE: I PROCESS ALL SALES THROUGH PAYPAL!** Orders may take anywhere from 1 hour or less to process! BIG SALE!!!! LASTS UNTIL 7/22/17 PRICING: LB Level to Max [1 Unit] ✘$5✘ - $2 SALE PRICE!! LB Level to Max [5 Units] *$5 #* ✘$20✘ - $10 SALE PRICE!! LB Level to Max [10 Units]*$10 #* ✘$40✘ - $20 SALE PRICE!! LB Level to Max [More than 10 Units]*$2 #* ✘+$3✘- $1 per unit SALE PRICE!! If you are interested in purchasing Limit Burst Injection, please contact me through Skype, Line, Discord or reply to this post! DISCLAIMER: Like most services that involve some form of exploit or injection, this is considered cheating! I have personally never been banned for using this method and I have had no customer complaints either! But do not brag / show off. This method is undetectable. **Please make sure to like this post and Buyers please don't forget to leave feed back by clicking http://playerup.com/DeliInFeedback ** SAMPLE PICTURE OF MY LIMIT BURST INJECTION SERVICE(5* Unit 20/20):
Buyer Order Confirmation This message is to inform the seller (original author) of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for your account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. No further steps are required on the sellers behalf until we have opened the 3 way conversation ticket.