Sold Selling Premium End-game Account (40 6*) with golden chappies

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rxagnarok, 7/16/17.

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  1. Rxagnarok

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    I am selling my pretty beast account that has been with me for almost a year.

    Current rank is liutenant and has around 2xx battle tickets.

    Grimmjow (200)
    Kugo (150)
    Uryu (150)
    LA Ichigo (200)
    Yukio (150)
    Nemu (150)
    Nanao (150)
    Blue Kenpachi (200)
    Mashiro (150)
    Riruka (150)
    TT Soifon (150)
    TT Sajin (150)
    Muramasa (150)
    TT Shunsui (120)
    TT Byakuya (150)
    TT Yumichika (105)
    TT Rukia (150)
    Mind Misuke (150)
    Barragan (150)
    Hogyoku Aizen (150)
    Dangai Ichigo (150)
    Shunsui (163)
    Toshiro (150)
    Sode no Shirayuki (150)
    Tech. Shinji (150)
    Starkk (150)
    Shuhei (150)
    FH. Ichigo (150)
    SE. Ulquiorra (150)
    Isshin (100)
    Heart Kisuke (100)
    OG Nnoitora (150)
    OG Grimmjow (100)
    Visored Ichigo (150)
    Power Sajin (100)
    Power Kenpachi (150)
    Heart Byakuya (150)

    Seasonal Characters:
    SS Nemu (188)
    SS Toshiro
    SS Rangiku x 2
    SS Renji x 3
    SS Retsu
    Parasol Nanao (150)
    White Day Grimmjow (100)
    Valentine Rukia (80)

    5* Characters: (Yet to evolve/dupe)
    Kugo x 2
    TT Soifon
    Katen Kyokotsu x 2
    TT Mayuri x 2
    Zabimaru x 2
    Mind Toshiro
    Power Soifon
    Power Halibel
    Academy Izuru
    Speed Byakuya
    Speed Nel
    Heart Kon
    Tech Ichigo
    Heart Renji
    Heart Shinji
    Power Kenpachi

    Medal Exchange Characters:

    Ambassador Seaweed
    Doll Rukia
    Moeh Shishigawara x 3
    Baby Nel
    Don Kanonji

    Speed Golden Chappy (Attack +6% max)
    Heart Golden Chappy (Stamina +24% max)
    Mind Chappy Dispenser (All stats +6% max)
    Speed Chappy Dispenser (Stamina +24% max)
    Power Chappy Dispenser (Attack +6% max)
    Power Chappy Dispenser (Stamina +24% max)
    Heart Chappy Dispenser (Attack +20% max) *
    Tech Chappy Dispenser (Stamina +24% max)
    Mind Yuki Dispenser (Spiritual Pressure +6% max)
    Speed Yuki Dispenser (Spiritual Pressure +6% max)
    Speed Yuki Dispenser (Attack +30% max) *
    Power Yuki Dispenser (Attack +30% max) *
    Heart Yuki Dispenser (Spiritual Pressure +6% max)
    Mind Tenshintai (Stamina +40% max) *
    Speed Tenshintai (Spiritual Pressure +20% max) *
    Power Tenshintai (Attack +20% max) *
    Heart Tenshintai (Attack +6% max)
    Tech Tenshintai (Stamina +40% max) *
    Green Spirit Core (Spiritual Pressure +6% max)
    Speed Shihoin Shield (Focus +30% max)
    Mind Purples Dispenser (Spiritual Pressure +6% max)
    Mind Purples Dispenser (Defense +20% max)
    Speed Purples Dispenser (Defense +6% max)
    Power Purples Dispenser (Attack +20% max) *
    Heart Purples Dispenser (Focus +6% max)
    Tech Purples Dispenser (Attack +20% max) *
    Mind Hojiku-zai (Stamina +24% max)
    Heart Hojiku-zai (Attack +20% max) *
    Tech Hojiku-zai (Spiritual Pressure +30% max) *
    Mind Headband of Justice (Spiritual Pressure +30% max) *
    Speed Headband of Justice (Attack +30% max) *
    Power Headband of Justice (Stamina +40% max) *
    Heart Headband of Justice (Stamina +40% max) *
    Tech Headband of Justice (Spiritual Pressure +6% max)
    Power Captain's Robe (Spiritual Pressure +20% max) *
    Tech Captain's Robe (All Stats +10% max) *
    2017 New Year's Card (Attack +3%)

    The offer has to be reasonable as you can see, it requires effort and abit of luck.
    Please leave me an offer, or pm me here, or the below mentioned ways;

    Skype: brandonu3i7u
    Line ID: dudenextdoor

    You can chat me up and request for more pictures if needed.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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