Sold Selling Mule/Main-99 GHorn,85 Emp Harp (31/75 horn) 119 Anni, RoV on last fight. Cheap

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hellish v.2, 7/16/17.

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  1. Hellish v.2

    Hellish v.2
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    Missions and completion
    Sandy Rank 6
    RoZ= Done (10% CP Bonus)
    CoP= Done (10% CP Bonus)
    ToAH= Social Graces
    WoTG= In the Name of the Father
    Abyssea= (3/3 Lunar- 35 atma)
    Voidwatch= Crimson IV, Indigo IV, Jade IV, Hyacinth, Amber
    SoA= Behind the Sluices
    RoV= A Deep Sleep (Final fight!!!)
    Dynamis= Done (All Access)
    6/6 WKR (18% CP Bonus)
    3/14 Colon Reive (3% CP Bonus)
    3/10 (Lair Reive (3 % CP Bonus)

    All mog exits for mog safe 2
    80/80 Gobbiebag
    All cities trust initiatives done
    TONS of homepoints and survival guides

    28/75 Merits
    5/15 HP
    8/15 MP
    STR 3/15
    DEX 11/15
    VIT 1/15
    AGI 2/15
    Marksmanship 8/8
    Dagger 2/8
    Katana 5/8
    Staff 3/8
    Throwing 1/8
    Evasion 2/8
    Ninjutsu 2/8
    Singing 3/8
    Wind 5/8
    5/5 Crit rate
    1/5 Spell interruption
    Last Stand= 1/5

    Job Level
    99 War,Whm,Rng,Nin,Mnk,Brd,Geo
    75+ Sam
    49+ Dnc,Run,Rdm

    Job Points
    Rng= 245
    Nin= 7

    43 Trust

    Every pertinent Song
    Every pertinent Nin Spell
    Combat Skills capped
    Magic skills near cap

    Sandy Conquest Points= 94,754
    Beastmen Seals= 54
    Kindred Seals= 49
    Kindred Crest= 791
    High Kindred Crest= 395
    Sacred Kindred Crest= 242
    Sparks= 1,849
    AMAN Vouchers= 0
    Shining stars= 7
    Imperial Standing= 720
    L. Sanctum= 1,199
    M.J.T.G= 5,850
    L. Cavern= 7,660
    Periqia= 7,715
    Ilrusi Atoll= 5,545
    Tokens= 14,996
    Zeni= 11,255
    Jettons= 24
    Therion Ichor= 0
    Cruor= 3,172,038
    Traverser Stones= 1,972
    Voidstones= 1,454 (with only 1 KI done!!)
    Unity Accolades= 9,999
    Rem Ch1= 7
    Rem Ch2= 7
    Rem Ch3= 23
    Rem Ch4= 2
    Rem Ch5= 2
    Rem Ch6= 0
    Rem Ch7= 9
    Rem Ch8= 6
    Rem Ch9= 3
    Rem Ch10= 3
    Bayld= 623,273
    Kinetic Units= 16,425
    Obsidian Fragments= 561
    Mweya Plasm= 3,500
    Escha Silt= 19,567
    Escha Beads= 10

    Starting Bid= $125

    Will also take 175m or 1 full Aeonic Weapon
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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