Sold Trading Clash Royale Account 4k Trophies All Cards

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Andrew_BOI, 7/16/17.

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  1. Andrew_BOI

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    Hello today i will be trading a Clash Royale Account that is level 11 and is in Challenger 1. The reason I will be selling the account is due to the fact that I have lost interest in the game. The account comes with all cards including Miner lv2, Princess lv2, Log lv2, Lavahound lv2, Electro wizard lv2, Ice wizard lv2, sparky lv2, inferno dragon lv2, and Night witch lv2 the rest being being level 1. I am looking for anything that has to do with xbox as a trade because I had moved from Clash Royale to playing my xbo all day so I will take xbox cards, accounts with games, anything, and if you dont have xbox I am willing to take paypal or amazon or ebay gift cards. If you are interested you can add me on kik: el_andrew1, skype: theblueassasin, and instagram.: strr_andrew. Thank you for your time.
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