Sold Selling [NA/Global] 5star Jeanne + Gilgamesh + 4x 4star servants + 2x 5star CE

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zephon1, 7/14/17.

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  1. zephon1

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    Account lvl: 33
    story finished up to: (1st singularity)Orleans->Battleground Hill
    44 rolls outside of tutorial (38 using crystals + 6 tickets)
    0 Saint Quartz remaining on account
    free 4* servant pick ticket used

    5 star: Gilgamesh + Jeanne
    4 star: d'Eon + Atalanta + Lancelot + Emiya (from pick ticket)

    Craft Essence
    5 star: Prisma Cosmos + Formal Craft
    4 star: a bunch, check pictures for full list

    Price: 50$ or PM me offer, paypal



    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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