Selling Selling 23rd century tier 6 ship package 250 keys or 1.24B Ec or 65 Promotion R&D

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by joeden80, 7/12/17.

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  1. joeden80

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    I was lucky enough to find myself with a tier 6 23rd century ship (any faction), (!) i have no need of it, so im selling!

    1. We make contact on skype joeden80, i will give you my @Game name.
    2. You give me yours and i will immediately call you to the bridge of my ship.
    3. i will execute a trade and show you the item.
    4. payment first
    5. Transfer of the item.

    Options for sale...

    1. 250 lockbox keys
    2. 1.24Billion ec in game.
    3. 67 Promotion! R&D packages (dreadnought or 23rd century only!)
    or any mix of those that return a definate profit!

    We then exchange rep on this site .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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