Sold [NA / Global] Fate Grand Order 5* Starter Accounts

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dockarxg910, 7/11/17.

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  1. dockarxg910

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    Hi! I'm trying to sell a couple of 5* starter accounts please pm me any offers that you may have

    Account description:

    Fresh account for Fate Grand Order (F/GO)

    No other Campaigns completed (Only completed tutorial)

    For English / North America Server Only!

    x1 4* Master Voucher is still available (You can get any of the 4* Servant listed in Da Vinci's Workshop)

    Multi 5*
    1. 5* Altria + Waver | 4* Elizabeth, Tamamo + x4 4* CE


    1. 5* Altria + 4* Siegfried, Atalanta Martha | x5 4* CE
    5* Altria + 4* Martha, Tamamo Cat | x6 4* CE
    5* Altria + x2 4* Emiya | x4 4* CE


    1. 5* Attila + 5* CE Limited / Zero Over, Heaven's Feel | 4* Emiya + x9 4* CE
    5* Attila + 4* Siegfried, x2 Heracles | x6 4* CE
    5* Attila+ 5* CE Kaleidoscope, Limited / Zero Over, Imaginary Around | 4* x2 Heracles+ x6 4* CE
    5* Attila+ 5* CE Heaven's Feel | 4* Siegfried, Heracles |+ x7 4* CE
    5* Attila+ 5* CE Limited / Zero Over | 4* Emiya, Martha, Carmilla, Lancelot+ x7 4* CE
    5* Attila + 5* CE Prisma Cosmos | + 4* Marie + x5
    4* CE


    2. 5* Gilgamesh + 5* CE Formal Craft | 4* Martha + x4 4* CE
    3. 5* Gilgamesh | 4* Siegfried, Stheno + x3 4* CE


    2. 5* Jeanne | 4* x2 Atalanta, Elizabeth + x7 4* CE
    5. 5* Jeanne + 5* CE Imaginary Around, Kaleidoscope | 4* Elizabeth, Martha + x2 4* CE
    6. 5* Jeanne + 5* CE Imaginary Around, Heaven's Feel | 4* Marie + x3 4* CE


    1. 5* Vlad + 5* CE Imaginary Around | 4* Emiya + x6 4* CE
    2. 5* Vlad + 5* CE Imaginary Around | 4* Martha, Lancelot + x5 4* CE
    3. 5* Vlad + 5* CE Kaleidoscope | 4* D'eon, Martha, Stheno + x4 4* CE
    4. 5* Vlad | 4* Emiya, Elizabeth, Carmilla + x9 4* CE
    5. 5* Vlad + 5* CE Formal Craft, Kaleidoscope | 4* Stheno, Tamamo Cat + x8 4* CE
    6. 5* Vlad + 5* x2 Heaven's Feel, Imaginary Around | 4* Marie + x6 4* CE


    1. 5* Waver | 4* Emiya + x7 4* CE
    2. 5* Waver + 5* Limited / Zero Over | 4* Martha + x8 4* CE
    3. 5* Waver | 4* Emiya, Marie, Lancelot + x4 4* CE


    Will be processed through paypal. These are virtual goods will not be refunded after use.

    Contact me at:
    Discord: dockarxg910#4282
    Line: dockarxg910

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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