Sold Selling Beast Account with FB Ichigo, Uryu, & Much Much More w/ 9,000 Orbs

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kirinxo, 7/10/17.

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  1. Kirinxo

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    Hey guys so im finally retiring from BBS. Many things have come into life and have made it extremely difficult to continue. There are two global accounts for sale.

    Account 1
    Contains 9,000Orbs with many characters.
    Insane amount just in time for upcoming banners.

    Lots of Notable Characters such as
    Triple Kenny
    Fullbring Ichigo
    Fullbring Uryu
    Dangai Ichigo
    White Day Ulquiorra
    & Much More

    Many 5* Accessory and Hearts to level up.
    Lots of Books to upgrade as well as Reroll.

    Majority of 4* have already maxed out however many of them still able to be maxed.

    Price set at $800

    Contains 1.3k Orbs
    Very Good account with lots of Noticeable Characters
    FB Ichigo
    Godpachi (Blue)
    Fullbring Uryu
    FB Toshiro
    Dangai Ichigo

    Very little characters has been maxed out so the orb potential is very high
    Has a few 5* accessories but lots of hearts
    Lots of books to upgrade and Reroll along with 3 Reroll Brushes
    Has an unused 5* Ticket with lots of Summon and Accessory Tickets

    Price set at $300


    Both Accounts are still played a little everyday until sold.
    If you have any questions or require additional information contact:

    Line ID: kirinace96
    Whatsapp: +1 (832) 798-4480
    KiK: bleachtellsell
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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