Sold Selling [NA/Global] Cheap FGO Account

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by candyshops, 7/10/17.

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  1. candyshops

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    Hye [WTS]: All these account. /All account only pass tutorial stage and story mode still untouched
    Payment : Paypal

    +Fresh Solo Account+

    Acc 1 : Jeanne + Emiya
    Gift Box: 16 Saint Quartz + x3 Summon Tix + 4* Tix
    Price: 5usd

    Acc 2 : Jeanne + Sigfried + Heracles
    Note: 4* Ticket has been used to claim Heracles
    Price: 6usd

    Acc 3 : Waver + Emiya + Stheno
    Gift Box: 16 Saint Quartz + x3 Summon Tix + 4* Tix
    Price: 10usd

    Acc 4 : Waver + Heracles + Lancelot + Eon
    Gift Box: 16 Saint Quartz + x3 Summon Tix + 4* Tix
    Price: 6usd

    Acc 5 : Altera + Saint Martha
    Gift Box: 16 Saint Quartz + x3 Summon Tix + 4* Tix
    Price: 5usd

    Acc 6 : Altera + Sigfried + Tamamo + Heracles
    Gift Box: 16 Saint Quartz + x3 Summon Tix + 4* Tix
    Price: 5usd

    Acc 7 : Altria Pendragon + Tamamo
    Gift Box: 3 Saint Quartz + 4* Tix
    Price: 10usd

    Acc 8 : Vlad + Heracles
    Gift Box: 16 Saint Quartz + x3 Summon Tix + 4* Tix
    Price: 5usd

    Acc 9 : Gilgamesh + Emiya
    Gift Box: 3 Saint Quartz
    Note: 4* Tix still unused
    Price: 8usd

    Acc 10 : Atalanta + Stheno
    Gift Box: 3 Saint Quartz
    Note: 4* Tix still unused
    Price: 4usd

    Thank You

    -Please click "Show Content" to see Craft Essence and Picture
    -Subject to change according to latest event and when new character is available.
    -Buyer is paying for virtual good, sale is final. No refund.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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