Realm 74 account to trade because I want in another realm, my account is a Level 30 castle, 523M might, 2 Billion plus k ills, level 65 champion, good equipment/gear, 80k gold, lots of speed ups, a lot heal T5 units from citadel and tons of shields. Most research and buildings are complete, 16.5 million total troops, 10 million T5. This American server is realm 74, I will trade accounts for another American realm. It can be some what less total might but must have good equipment like: legendary earth shatter boots, two bone smashers, cold bloods etc.. 1. You send me your Microsoft account info by email linked to your game (Remove any of your credit card info) before and send me a secondary email address to send you my account info. 2. Once I change the account into my name and verify its good, I will send you my Microsoft account info linked to my game by the secondary email account you sent me.
I stay online playing march of empires and I also check this site regularly so if you want to transfer to a new realm post a reply. Then we can make a quick realm change.
This account is not for sale but trade only! I just need the email account and password linked to your march of empires account. First 'remove all your contacts, personal info from the email address, remove all bank account or credit card info from the windows store. I have already done this on my account and I'm ready to trade, if you want to trade realms send a reply. I check this every thirty minutes and both of us could be in another realm in 30 minutes or less I love the game that's why it is not for sale! This is a simple honest trade.
Total might is now 535M million, your total might can be less as long as you have the gear/equipment above.
Hello guys, I just want in another realm and you don't need to have the cold bloods listed above but you must have the Viking gear. Your castle's total might can be around 200M to 250M might less than mine and we can still trade.