I realized that TSW Legends is not my cup of tea. I am willing to sell a grandmaster TSW account with a LOT of female funcom shop items and a couple male toon items. over 15k points were spent on clothing on the original TSW. Bunch of pets/mounts such as the speed demon are available on the new TSW. This account has headstart access which started on June 23rd. Price:$120 ----- It gives you a lifetime sub for free, the monthly price is $12.99. If you plan playing this for awhile, its a great deal.
Hi, saw that your are selling a Grandmaster TSW account - what issues does it have out of the released packs? And which versions of those issues? Thanks.
Hi, do you still have the secret world grandmaster account for sale? If so how much would you like for it? Please do let me know.