Sold Selling 12 6 stars + 30 5*: 4x SS, 2x Uryu & Ginjo, Riruka, Tetsu, Parasol Nanao! <3

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ZeShu, 7/7/17.

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  1. ZeShu

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    Hey guys I'm selling my account. It has 12 six starred characters(half maxed), and 30 five starred characters.

    Notable six stars include: Kugo, Uryu, Yukio, Riruka, VC Rukia, FH Ichigo, Kendo, and PARASOL NANAO!!! <3

    Notable five stars include: Another Kugo, another Uryu, Tetsusaemon, Koga, Mindshiro, Parasol Jushiro, and Redpachi, but also four swimsuits: Riruka, Nelliel, Rangiku, and Retsu! <3 <3 <3

    I've also farmed up a bunch of accessories; in total there are 15 5*, most rerolled to decent desirable substats, and also includes a red spirit core. There are double green chappies for kendo, double orange chappies for FH, Headbands, Hojis, and Tenshintais for most colors.

    The account itself is linked to my KLAB. Once payment goes through (Paypal only) I will change the KLAB ID to your e-mail address and send you the password and all other necessities(questions, DOB, etc) so that you may choose your own password without going through me.

    PM me offers :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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