Sold SMITE ACCOUNT, CLOSED BETA, 400 Skins, GODPACK, ALL T5, Poolseidon, cheap

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by happygame, 7/6/17.

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  1. happygame

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    Price $:
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    Buy Now
    545 Gems
    22294 Favor
    84 Masteries
    18 Diamond Gods (Isis, Xbalanque, Sobek, Jing Wei, Thor, Chaac, Loki, Hercules, Kali, Neith, Ra, Vulcan, Change, Hun Batz,
    Ne Zha, Tyr, Thanatos, Bastet)
    86 Voice Packs (No Cu Chulainn, Da Ji, Ganesha)
    15 Borders (S1, S2, S3, SWC 2015, Season ticket 2016, Season ticket 2017, Oddysey 2017, Bob Ross, Celestial Frame, Celtic, Japanese, Dungeon, Tropical Paradise, Chivalry, Winter, SMITE TACTICS)
    7 Loading Pedestals (SWC 2015, SWC 2016, SWC 2017, Merdusa, Racer, Celtic, Celestial)
    10 Global Emotes
    8 Recall Skins
    13 Announcer Packs (including Bart, DMB, Inuki, Nevercake)
    13 Music Themes
    88 Icons (Many exclusive and animated, INCLUDING TIERMONSTER BOLT aka SmitePRO icon which only winners of TM tournament have)
    45 Ward Skins
    404 God Skins
    Masters Season 4 Split 1 (Joust)
    Season Ticket level 19
    Founders pack in PALADINS
    Founders pack in Smite Tactics


    Mastery Skins:
    A couple gold, Lots of legendary skins, Diamond Skins for every diamond god

    Archon Thanatos T5 2015

    Demonic Pact Anubis T5 2017

    Limited/Convention Skins:
    Convention 2012 Artemis
    Convention 2013 Kali
    Convention 2014 Guan Yu
    Convention 2015 Tyr
    Convention 2016 Anubis
    Convention 2017 Khepri
    2017 Challenger Apollo
    SWC 2017 Heroine Amaterasu
    Abysall Sorcerer Hades
    Vanguard Hercules
    Vampiric Scylla
    Intergalactic Change
    Winners Circle Apollo
    Star Scribe Thoth
    Conqueror Nike
    Guan Unicorn Guan Yu
    Iron Tyrant Xing Tian
    Modern Mercenary Nemesis
    Woodland Rogue The Morrigan
    JT-6000 Janus
    Griffindwarf Fafnir
    Sea Maiden Medusa
    Sun Wu Xing Sun Wukong
    Vicious Apollo
    Last Commando Rama
    Sustar Ra
    Berserker Ullr
    Soulless Machine
    Ragnarok Force X
    King of the Ring Ravana
    Ebonsoul Serqet
    Dragon Knight Ao Kuang
    SWC 2016 Zeus
    Solid Hornet AMC
    Cacodemon X
    Rage Bakasura
    Infernal Agni
    Weltmeister 2014 Xbalanque
    Football Start 2014 Xbalanque

    250 Gem/400 Gem/600 Gem/Exclusive/Promo Skins:

    Agni: Curse, Encore, Gemini, Swagni, Triumph and Agni, Volcanic
    Ah Muzen Cab: Dark Whisperer, Killer Bee, Swarm Sentry
    Ah Puch: Galactic Invader
    Amaterasu: Shining Heaven, Ordo Solarus, Foxy
    Anhur: Olympian, Star Lancer, Shadow,
    Anubis: Gravehound, Afterlife, Stargazer,
    Ao Kuang: Dragon King
    Aphrodite: Afro-dite, Beach Babe, Diva
    Apollo: Curse Voice, Elite Agent, Team Solomid, Battle Bard
    Ares: Diamond Sword, Soldier of Fortune, SWC 2015, FERNANDO
    Artemis: Briar Queen, Oak-Seer, Wrangler, Recon
    Athena: Liberte, Peacekeeper, Red Star, Shield of the Gorgon
    Awilix: Renegade
    Bacchus: Brynhildr, Father Chrishmash, Hoot'N Holler, The King
    Bakasura: Death Machine. Feaster Bunny, Laughing Skull, Ravenous
    Bastet: Arcane Assassin, Covert Ops, Crimson Ops, Kawaii Pop, Star Tamer
    Bellona: Furiona, Rock a Bellona, Torment, SPL 2016, Enyo(FOUNDERS PACK)
    Cabrakan: Gamma Slam, Nerd Rage
    Chaac: Chaac Brazil, Chaacloate, Slaughterhouse
    Camazotz: Jurassic, Terror-dactyl
    Chang'e: Enchanted, Hunters Moon, Lunar Tango, Moonlight Love, Sun's Bride
    Chiron: Constable Moosejaw, Chevalier, Hellrider
    Chronos: Fallen Lord, Super Chronos 64, NRG, Father Time
    Cupid: Bizzy B, Guttersiper, Lil Devil, Lucky Baby Fuwa
    Erlang Shen: Monster Trainer
    Fenrir: Iron Maw, Lord Slashington III, Metal Carnage, Ragnarok, Wreck the Halls
    Freya: All for One, Frost Maiden, Get Served, Northern Lights, Pixel Buster, Valkyrie
    Geb: Geb 1
    Guan Yu: Master Guan **
    Hades: Classic Hades, Heebee Chibi Hades, Soultaker
    He Bo: He Bro, Infinity Wave, The Sydney Shredder
    Hel: Expelled, Jingle Hel, Solstice
    Hercules: Derpules, Grand Slam, Legion
    Hou Yi: Moon's Groom, Searing Sun
    Hun Batz: Hun.Bat. Shaolik Monk'ey, Space Monkey
    Isis: Desert Omen, Scarlet Coven, Shadow
    Izamani: Plague Bearer
    Janus: Bass Drop: Jandroid Riftshaker
    Jing Wei: Pool Party, Mini Metal
    Kali: Skaliwag, Trophy Hunter, Crimson Death,
    Khepri: Chef's Special, Horned, Shadow, Steel Scarab
    Kukulkan: Kuku, Sacred Dragon, Sir Pensworth, Breezy Chibi
    Kumbhakarna: Kumhalayan yeti, Pajama Party, Warlord
    Loki: Infiltrator, Joki, White Death, Loki Charms
    Medusa: iDusa, Mortal Coil
    Mercury: Centurion, Envyus, Prizefighter, Run.exe, Shaolin Fury, Modern Messenger
    Ne Zha: Cyberpunk
    Neith: Buccaneith, Carnaval Queen, Harajuku, Instakill, Ms. Diagnosis, Scarlet Dangerfield, Star Strike, Worldweaver
    Nemesis: Blind Vengeance, Leona JPF, Red Vengeance
    Nox: Heartbreaker, Madame Darkness
    Nu Wa: Ace, Aurum, Challenger, Nice and Naughty, Nu Horizons, Old Wa, Water Dancer
    Odin: Daimyoden, Mountain Man, Pandamonium, Ravens Throne, World's Collide
    Osiris: Frankenhotep, Lord of Silence
    Poseidon: Dreadbeard, POOLSEIDON
    Ra: Alienware, Eldritch, Ra'Merica, Solar Eclipse, Solar Sentinel, Chibi
    Raijin: Devil Horns, Drums Out, Thunders Roar
    Rama: Natures Guardian, Orbital Strike, Last Commando
    Ratatoskr: Eager, Ragnatoskr, Squirrel Squad, Armored Scurrier
    Ravana: Demon King, Rock from Bisrakh, Eliminator
    Scylla: Prototype, COG Scylla, Daisy Despair, Lil Red
    Serqet: Demonsoul, Desert Queen, Dread Queen, Madame Blade
    Skadi: Ski Patrol, Frost Bound, Such Cold
    Sobek: Crikeydile, High Seas, Kaiju, Land Shark, Nile Stalker, Soarbek
    Sol: Epsolon, Meltdown, Polaris, Supernova
    Sun Wukong: Dark Lord, Heavenly Warlord
    Susano: Serpent Slayer, Steel Samurai
    Sylvanus: Deathcap, Permafrost, Seasons Spirit, Bob Ross
    Terra: Spriggan
    Thanatos: Reaper Tech
    Thor: Blood Eagle, Heavy Metal, Iron Gamer, Shadow, Wrath of Valhalla
    Tyr: King Ar-Tyr, Privatyr, Shadow, Sock Puppetyr, Hail To The King, Draco Knight
    Ullr: The Survivor, Wyrm Slayer
    Vamana: Cangaceiro, Lil Mana, Rashasa
    Vulcan: Full Metal, Sentry, Vulcap'n Redbeard, Warforged
    Xbalanque: Jag.rar, Jaguar Footballer, Shinobalanque
    Xing Tian: Siege Engine, The Undying
    Ymir: Baron Frostchild, Digimir 9000, Irezumir, Nuclear Winter, Obsidian Shard, Boss Twitchymir
    Zeus: Almighty, Heavens Rave, Stormbringer, Uncle Zeus, Wrath of Olympus, X
    Zhong Kui: Demon Catcher, G.I Zhong
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    Forgot to add that I also have Ragnarok Force X Thor 2016
    Tier 5 skin.
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  4. Middleman

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    Moderator Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman support tickets Middleman Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman transactions

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    Buyer Order Confirmation

    This message is to inform the seller (original author) of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for your account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. No further steps are required on the sellers behalf until we have opened the 3 way conversation ticket.
  5. OP

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