Sold Selling [NA] Many acc have SSR + Hercules + CE Kaleido/Sakura just 5$ or less (fresh)

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by okim5ty, 7/5/17.

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  1. okim5ty

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    Im not good at english much so just pm me to see anypic of accounts. We can use MM for trade, if you trusted, i will go first.
    All acc may have more sr, i cant remember to tell all of them, sorry for that. Btw, all acc are fresh

    1. Altria + Herc + CE Kaleido - 5$
    2. Vlad III + Herc + 2xCE Sakura - 3$
    3. Jeanne + CE Kaleido + CE Sakura - 5$
    4. Vlad III + Herc - 2$
    5. Atlia + Herc - 2$
    LF: Paypal
    Email: [email protected]
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