Selling Selling [gl] fresh cheap accs with cloud usb, yasha bsb, etc.

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Carlos Frost, 7/5/17.

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  1. Carlos Frost

    Carlos Frost
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    1. Account. 69 stamina. 25$
    USB Cloud
    OSB Lightning
    OSB Terra
    BSB Squall
    BSB Lenna
    BSB Caith Sit
    BSB Hope
    BSB Setzer
    BSB Y'ashtola
    +some SSB and unics

    2. Account. 60 stamina. 20$

    USB Cloud
    OSB Terra
    BSB Paladin Cecil
    BSB2 Cloud
    BSB Caith Sit
    BSB + SSB Y'ashtola
    BSB Sarah (I)
    +some ssb and unics

    Only PayPal
    whatsapp - +79371468688
    skype - carlosfrost1
    line - Carlos Frost
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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