Sold Selling F/go us starters cheap lf: Paypal

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Qinyue, 7/4/17.

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  1. Qinyue

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    dont hav screenshots Ill list all the notable things on the acc
    u can ask for screenshots

    tutorial 2sq not claimed
    atilla + herc + Limited zero ce
    Vlad + Sieg + Deon + Imaginary around CE + Lzero CE
    atilla + Eliz np2
    waver + stheno + 36sq
    waver + eliz +Hfeels CE + 2 Formal Craft
    artoria np2 + Tama cat +HFeel CE and verdant illya xD
    Jeanne + stheno +30sq
    waver + carmillia + imaginary around + formal craft
    jeanne + tamacat + imaginary around
    artoria + emiya + imaginary around and element + Hfeel CE
    jeanne + marie +stheno + HFEEL CE + imaginary element
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