Sold Selling WTS Cheap 50/50 + GWAMM account, unlinked to gw2, ready within minutes

Discussion in 'Guild Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by coatofarms, 7/3/17.

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  1. coatofarms

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    Hey guys,

    I know I said that last time was going to be my last time to sell HoM accounts, but I guess I just can't stop playing this game..... so I will be selling another (and most likely my last account xD) that has GWAMM+50/50 on it, therefore try getting it while it is available.

    About account:

    o God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals (GWAMM) title
    o 50/50 Hall of Monuments (HoM) points
    o Unlinked, ready-to-be linked account

    o Since most people purchase these accounts mainly to link to gw2, I will cover gw2 related info. If you need more info about gw1 account, feel free to pm me.

    What you get by linking:

    o 450 Achievement points
    o Titles (God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals, Legend of the Mists, Flameseeker, Ghostly Hero, Closer to the Stars, Ascendant, Chosen, Rift Warden, Guild Warrior, Traveler)
    o Items, Mini-pets, Pets, Skins
    o Link to rewards (

    Payment process:

    o Paypal. Via "Money to Family/Friends" option. If that is not available you cover the fee.
    o You go first. Unless you are very reputable with the site, in which case I go first.
    o Have a skype to speed up the process.

    Other info:

    o After the trade is done you will get all the account information + email related information.
    o All accounts I sell are mine, I am the first and only owner, I have all the info regarding the account and you will get exactly that after you make your purchase.
    o We can do this trade within minutes.

    B/O 350 euro

    Thank you, and have a good one.
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