Selling Selling [EU]Selling Rank 150 char 800k+ might 200k followers.

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Peter1983gamer, 7/2/17.

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  1. Peter1983gamer

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    Now is the time I feel that it's time to leave skyforge.
    I'm looking for at least £1000 to £2000 so bidding will start at £1000 (£2000 is b/o)

    I have recently change the game E-mail to a new E-mail so you will get that email too.
    I will only accept payment through PayPal and after receive the money I will send username/password for both the account and Email. (I know there a big risk of chargeback but if it happens I just get the account banned as I will still have all the proof I need to get it banned, at end of the day if I walk away with nothing then that life but you miss out on one of highest char on EU server.

    Bidding will end on Monday, July the 9th. (sooner if someone takes the b/o (buyout)

    For more info, we can talk on discord
    or Email me at [email protected] (This Email has no association with any Skyforge accounts.)

    So char is Prem rank 10 has 200k followers, ToK Lv139 it's one of the highest char on the server for EU I have spent well over £7k+ so if it only goes for 1k your getting a great deal.
    If the sale goes through will delete all my friends on the list and you can buy 5k argents to change the char name.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Look like i can't post any more pics -.- if you like to see more connect to my discord channel.
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