Selling Monster park acct. Serv 152 seedot 79,000 power lvl 82 vip 15 $3000 OBO

Discussion in 'Monster Park Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dlacey513, 7/1/17.

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  1. Dlacey513

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    Got a lot with this account. Lvl 82 Aprox. 78985 power. Vip lvl 15. Have lots of supers and shiny supers, the starting 6 shown are all 7 stars orange +3 except heatran who has 6 stars. Shiny tyranitar and shiny dragonite are 6 stars. Hundreds of small and large pinballs. 135 advanced scanners. Over 700 ultra balls. 9 pokemon contracts I haven't collected plus many many contract shards. Vice chairman of the #1 rated guild with over 120,000 contribution points. #1 in every major category (just have to fight in bc & poke league) except world league of course. Asking $3000 or best offer, I still play this account daily and might have more on it soon. Can't get much better than this.

    Screenshot_20170701-130530.png Screenshot_20170701-130702.png Screenshot_20170701-130708.png Screenshot_20170701-130738.png Screenshot_20170701-130755.png Screenshot_20170701-130828.png Screenshot_20170701-132139.png
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