Sold Selling Khux jp strongest account! Burst 1400 roxas ex with three traits! For cheap

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pa65qn3l, 7/1/17.

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  1. pa65qn3l

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    I have playing KHUx for more than 600 days. I am busy recently. I would like to sell my beloved account to one who can really take care of it.

    ROXAS EX: 180% GuiltedApu2& attack up XL 100% Ground def -60%, air def -60%, attack +1000, status bonus

    Sephiroth EX: 180% Guilted
    Apu2& attack up XL 100%

    Sora EX: 150% Guilted
    attack up XL 100%

    Sora EX: 125% Guilted
    lux& attack up L 100%

    Axel EX: 150% Guilted
    Attack up XL 100%Hp+800, poison -20%

    Cloud EX: 150% Guilted
    Apu& lux& attack up XL

    Kairi KH0.2: 150% Guilted
    Second chance 2Extra attack 40%, max gauge +2

    Namine HD: 150% Guilted
    Lux& attack up XL 100%Raid +40%, Ground def -60%

    Namine HD :150% Guilted
    Lux& attack up L 100%Hp+800, Hp+800

    Most of my keyblades level are +35.
    My best individual ranking: 7
    My best party ranking: 1
    My best coliseum ranking: 1
    With these powerful medals, you can easily enter Top 10 in coliseum. You will not find any account stronger than this.

    Google play card (Japan card only)

    Here are my notable medals, and this is my 6 stars medals list. There are too much medals that I can’t show you all of them. If you want to see specific medals, please contact my email.

    Price:USD$1500 (#)

    Contact: [email protected]

    And add Xion HD EX!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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