TransAnimeCoder presents TransAnimeHook Last Update Time: 30th June 2017 /// 09:58 >>> Should be UD for a few days.. Menu won't work in fullscreen!!! Use Windowed Fullscreen or Windowed mode to make it work since the # uses GDI. Sorry for that, i'm only 15 yo. Still learnin'. Feel free to recommend,comment, ask for help, critique, give a thanks.. ily all <3 Keybinds / Navigation INSERT --> Toggle menu On / Off Arrow Up / Down --> Navigate through certain functions Arrow Right / Left --> Enable / Disable functions per demand Virus Scans Link to all Virus Scans (2) in the .zip file since I cannot post links. (VirusScans.txt) Screenshots Screenshots are in the .zip file attached to this post. Please notice that the screenshot with "gray" textures isnt a part of the cheat, it's a console command (mat_drawgray 1) to showcase the colors of the cheat better. Hope I did everything g00d... If not, mod notice me or soemthin', will fix A$AP