L>F 7+ Legend Global Early/Mid/Endgame Account for $100-300

Discussion in 'Soccer Spirits Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WalaoEh, 6/30/17.

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  1. WalaoEh

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    My Location:
    Preferably including Shu and/or Nabi, And/or Jiho and/or Miri with meta-game 5* units

    You can post here or email me at [email protected].

    If needed my Discord is WalaoEh#6722.

    I'm willing to pay around $100-300 depending on what is on the account.

    I would like it if you also gave a rough estimate on how much you want for it. I will be comparing the prices to other sales and will honestly bid you lower if you throw out a high price. (If you throw out a more reasonable price I'll likely take it.)

    If necessary I will offer but it might not be as much as you could get if you just offered me yourself.

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