Sold [Trading] Leveling Services + Buying Ancient Reliq Keys/Exalts

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hyland, 6/29/17.

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  1. Hyland

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    I am vouched for heavily from d2jsp as a professional leveler. I've been playing PoE for about 8 years now.. What I can offer is a safe and speedy leveling service.

    1-60 (Depending on the build) 20$ (8-11 hours) Act 1 Merc
    1-70 (Depending on the build) 30$ (10-12 hours) Act 4 Merc
    1-80 40$ (Mapping)

    80+ means the account needs to be geared enough I could use my gear and speed run it or you can purchase my build for an extra 20$-30$

    I follow your build and your instructions :)

    I accept
    Paypal : BTC : Venmo : other forms of payment please inform me and we can work something out

    I am new to this sight so I'm not to familiar with the rules so if anyone would like to enlighten me that be great. I will give discounts to everyone who vouches for me!

    I am currently in the market for

    exalt orbs .50cents/1 Ancient reliquary key .75cents/1

    Payment immediately through paypal.

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