Selling Selling LowPrice $45 Max LVL Starlight 32 Heroes 10 Skins

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by abdul093, 6/29/17.

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  1. abdul093

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Email: [email protected] Kik: nyxsy98
    I only trust paypal with online transactions.

    Starlight MEMBER with SnakeEyeCommander & EasternWarrior Skins
    Large and Small Horns in inventory (15+ Each)
    This account has streamer privileges (Can stream, receive hearts, donations)
    Max Level 30 / 32 Heroes / 10 Skins / All abilities unlocked

    Account Info:
    - Max Level 30

    - (can stream live, receive hearts & donations)
    - 32 Heroes 10 Skins

    - Starlight Member
    - Grandmaster
    - All abilities unlocked

    - 16 Large Horns
    - 21 Small Horns
    - 143 Premium Fragment
    - 21 Pink 20 Orange Fragments
    - 77 Hearts
    - Many Trial Skins/Heroes

    Heroes Unlocked:
    - Freya - Ruby
    - YuSunShin - Moskov
    - YunZhao - Natalia
    - LapuLapu - Fanny
    - Roger - Hilda
    - Estes - Layla - Karina
    - Alpha - Minotaur
    - Alice - Chou
    - Bruno - Nana
    - Baldmond - Cyclops
    - Eudora - Bane
    - Saber - Tigreal
    - Rafaela - Alucard
    - Franco - Gord
    - Clint - Miya

    Emblem Sets
    - Physical Emblem LVL 41
    - Mage Emblem LVL 39
    - Tank Emblem LVL 30
    - Jungle Emblem LVL 30
    - Physical Assasin LVL 17
    - Magic Assassin LVL 14
    - Fighter Emblem LVL 16
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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