Sold Selling Global premium raiding coliseum ready account

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gojommojo, 6/29/17.

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  1. Gojommojo

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    Greetings Keyblade Wielders. Thank you for giving this thread a moment, as I am in urgency to sell my Account. Here, I'll be introducing my own KHUX Account, I am selling this Account even though I am a huge KH fan, especially Unchained. Been putting in huge effort there and paid thousands of dollars. Due to my eyes sensitivity toward Light/Brightness and UVs. It was more of a Deceases than a Photophobia, as I playthrough and make progression in the Game, especially that I am a Raider and Coliseum Competitor, it resulted in harming my Vision causing me discomfort from light and screens with tremendous headache company. I have missed some of the early Game content because of this medical issue-taking break for about three months. There will be some missing Avatars.

    With this Account, you won't be having issues throughout the year, in Proud Mode and other End-Game content, AS well as Ranking in both Raid events and Coliseum since the Account is already equipped with High-End Medals, Traits and Skills. I will be stating the necessary information and records about the Avatar with Medals along AND Missing Avatars.

    STATUS includes RECORDS and DATA about the Avatar along with
    MEDALS AND KEYS/MATS linked to IMGUR to see the screens below.


    Days Played: 360+

    Album Progression: 80.7%

    Storage Capacity: 900 slots

    Total Skip Ticket: 1500+

    Medals purchased with JWLS: 4500+

    All F/M Avatar Boards purchased.

    All Party Ranking Crowns Collected.

    All Solo Ranking Chirthy Charms Collected.

    All Union Cross Boards Collected.

    Main Story progressed up to Quest 600

    Proud Mode progressed up to Quest 37

    PSM Proud+ Completed.

    Posses the Title Leopardus 2016 SHOWDOWN if interested.
    (Thanks to my kind brethren Alabasters)

    High-End MEDALS + Extreme Traits and Useful 6* Skills.(Link)



    Rabbit Trumpeter [Female - Male] - | Event Raid Boss Boards June 6~12 / 2016 |

    Sea-Side Stunner // Vacation Resort - | Event Raid Boss Boards August 8~14 / 2016 |

    Class President [Female - Male] - | Event Party Ranking Reward September 5~11 / 2016 | (Missing Class President Glasses)

    Summer Mickey // Summer Minnie - | Coliseum Monthly Boards and Ranking August / 2016 |

    These are all of the Missing Avatar Parts, else all are collected.

    My price will be # at 1800 USD. I do not expect any abnormal best offers. Any Scammers will be reported immediately.
    I accept PAYPAL only. We can coop with Middleman if necessary. I do not mind as long as they are Verified EPICNPC Members.

    Shall you find this thread incomplete, or in need for more information. Do not hesitate to contact me.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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