I have found a new way to get liquid divinium. here are the steps/ Step 1: Start custom game on moon give yourself money and stay in area 51. Step 2: get a gun in the trainer or rk5 from (all easter eggs done) step 3: important! DISABLE ZOMBIES SPAWN Step 4: put timesclae to 10 ( the round will quickly pass ) Step 5: wait till round 50+ and keep pap your gun. your liquid divinium will drop ending: if you d'ont want to have that high round in your barracks THEN: leave area 51 and end the round. it'll go back to round 2. end the game I THINK THIS METHODE WILL HELP YOU LEVEL UP AS WELL just dicovered: for some reason it slows down giving you liquid divinium after 5 minutes doing this method you're welcome