Sold Selling Fresh/Mid-Game for sale | Double Ken, Double Kugo, + More

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Espadon, 6/27/17.

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  1. Espadon

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    I have 2 accounts for sale, 1 fresh and the other mid-game. I tried my best to grind for both but I have no luck in my rolls for summons so I'm starting over. I do however have some decent content.

    1st Account
    6* Characters Include
    Blue Kenpachi Lv. 200
    Red Soi Fon Lv. 170
    Orange Kugo Lv. 150
    Orange FH Ichigo Lv. 150
    Green Riruka Lv. 120
    Purple Shunsui Lv. 100

    Red Chad Lv. 100
    Green Toshiro Lv. 88

    5* Characters Include
    Purple Tag Team Sajin Lv. 100
    Red Frenzy Orihime Lv. 80
    Orange Tag Team Yumichika Lv. 65
    Orange Kugo Lv. 60
    Blue Kenpachi Lv. 60
    Green Tag Team Shunsui Lv. 60
    Green Senbonzakura Lv. 60
    Purple Renji Lv. 60
    Green Frenzy Renji Lv. 43
    Purple Tag Team Sajin Lv. 10
    Purple Shunsui Lv. 1

    4* Characters Include
    Roughly 50.
    Inventory and everything else for account 1:

    2nd Account
    6* Characters Include
    Orange Renji Lv. 120

    5* Characters Include
    Orange Aizen Lv. 98
    Purple Tag Team Sajin Lv. 80
    Green Tag Team Rukia Lv. 60
    Purple Nozomi Lv. 60
    Red Frenzy Orihime Lv. 60
    Red Nnoitora Lv. 59
    Green Frenzy Renji Lv. 55

    4* Characters Include
    Not many as I didn't have time to farm.
    Inventory and everything else for account 2: PM or ask and I will send.

    Open to cash offers only, or possible trades for other BBS accounts with similar or more content.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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