Sold Selling WTS CHEAP / 573cp / 3.6kk Gold / Frost Mare /

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jaja1, 6/27/17.

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  1. jaja1

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    The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited
    dlc:Orsinium+Imperial City+Thieves Guild
    any race any alliance
    one of the best horse in game - Frost Mare,a lot of costumes,hats,pets

    3.6кк gold
    a lot of different gear because actively into selling

    all characters an EP max lvl:
    1.Dragonknight dunmer
    2.Dragonknight redguard
    3.Nightblade khajit
    4.Sorcer khajit
    5.Templar Altmer.

    Sets all gold:
    1)Stamina build: Vicious Ophidian(jewelry+2items divines),Spriggan(daggers sharpened+3 items divines),monster set Kra`Gh (divines+infused),daggers Viper sharpened +items and twice born star set
    2)Magica build: Infallible Aether(jewelry +sword precise and maul sharpened),Twice born star(5items divines),monster set Grothdarr(divines)
    i have more other sets gold and none gold

    price - 250$, PayPal or Qiwi
    skype: jajabesttrade
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