Selling Selling Clean Endgame Account, 144 Orbs, 103k Feathers

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wurzd, 6/27/17.

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  1. Wurzd

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    clean account, story chapters mostly beaten

    144 orbs and 103k feathers

    5*, most with inherited skills: Ryoma+1, Ephraim, Lilina, Azura, Cordelia, Hawkeye, Spring Chrom, Minerva, Camilla x2, Julia, Hector, Kagero

    4*: Ogma, Navarre, Lloyd, Eirika, Chrom, CorrinM, Zephiel, Cain, Stahl, Xander, Raigh, Henry, Donnel, Gwendolyn, Sully, Peri, Catria x2, Clair, Florina, Cordelia x2, Nowi, CorrinF x3, Odin, Ursula, Frederick x2, Gunter, Michalis, Cherche, Camilla x3, Fae, Nino, Cecilia, Jeorge, Virion, Saizo

    +lots of 3*s for skill inheritance.
    Seals: Hp+3, Atk+1, Spd+1, Fortify Res 1, Spur Def 1

    send offers and further questions per PM or simply reply in this thread.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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