Sold Selling Premium/Semi-Fresh accounts for sale | Double Ken, Kugo, + More

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Espadon, 6/26/17.

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  1. Espadon

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    I have 2 Semi-Fresh accounts for sale. I tried my best to grind for both but I have no luck in my rolls for summons. I do have some decent items/content however. Below:

    1st Account (High Grind)
    .................................................. ..........
    6* Characters Include
    - Kugo
    - S Kenpachi
    - Riruka
    - H Shunsui
    - P Soi Fon
    - P Chad
    - FH Ichigo

    5* Characters Include
    - Kugo
    - S Kenpachi
    - Tag Team Sajin (x2)
    - Tag Team Shunsui
    - Tag Team Yumichika
    - H Shunsui
    - Senbonzakura
    - H Renji
    - Frenzy Renji, Frenzy Toshiro, Frenzy Orihime

    You can see the inventory of items, summons and everything else here:

    2nd Account (No Grind)
    .................................................. ..........
    6* Characters Include
    - M Renji

    5* Characters Include
    - Tag Team Rukia
    - Tag Team Sajin
    - Nozomi
    - P Nnoitora
    - M Aizen
    - Frenzy Renji, Frenzy Orihime

    You can see the inventory of items, summons and everything else here:

    Currently offering these as a bid because I know they aren't worth much, so highest bid takes the prizes.
    Only accepting Bitcoin and PayPal!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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