Selling Selling *WANT TO SELL HIGH END PSO2JP ACCOUNT* (3 years worth)

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ren00, 6/26/17.

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  1. Ren00

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    -Meseta 102m
    -6 chars available:
    Ren (main)- brhu (80/80) Fi (75) Bo (52) Te (30)
    Rin (main) – fote (80/80) su (44)
    Krulcifer (semi main) – gura (77/75) hu (75)
    Izumi (alt for tacos) – brhu (75/75)
    Kuroyukihime (alt for tacos) – Bohu (75/75) Fi (75)
    Ω (alt cast for tacos) – brhu (71/70)

    -whole binches of 13* available
    Qliphad katana +35 195 s atk
    Zeinesis rod +35 180 t atk (anesthetic trainer pot)
    Astra tmg +35 180 r atk
    Astra katana +35 180 s atk
    Astra rod
    Other zeinesis weaps (refer images)

    -all units are 150 stat
    Austere + qliphad leg(s atk)
    Austere + orbit leg (tatk)
    Kaiser + orbit leg (r atk)

    -images can refer to my fb:
    *Price starting at 600usd via paypal or deposit if local bank (malaysia)
    *can pm me through discord for more detail: Ren #7611

    - - - Updated - - -

    Price can nego :D
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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