Sold Selling Dofus Echo 2 Accounts: 178 lvl Cra + 133 lvl Osa Save Basically no info on acc

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by AlevaPlayer, 6/25/17.

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  1. AlevaPlayer

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    Dofus Echo​

    178 lvl Cra

    Scroll 100 wis
    On Cra phone number is not setted and secret answer also !

    133 lvl 3% to 134lvl Osamodas
    Osamodas int :
    -97% do 133 lvl
    -scroll : 100 wis , 100 int
    -mats in bank worth ~30mk
    - mount 100 lvl cameleon ( 300 vit , 1 mp )
    - p2p till 18.07
    Guild :
    - almost 57 lvl
    - 165 people
    - paddock as on ss
    - house as on ss

    Osa acc is full decertified no name,surname,secret answer,no phone ALL INFO CAN BE SETTED !

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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