[Release] Blood Gem of The Archfiend bot (KISS THE VOID BOT) (Grimoire 3.1)

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AlthalosTheMan, 6/25/17.

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  1. AlthalosTheMan

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    Hello !,

    So I have been farming for VHL for a while and i made my own bots that served me rather well, and I would like to share them in case someone would like to use them for their own farming, the bot is rather simple and does as the title suggests, I made it from scratch so any similarities are probably just coincidences since I have not used any other bot that uses those things.

    NOTE: I would say depending on how lucky you are with the drops, it will take about a whole day to get 30x Blood Gem of The Archfiend, I haven't received the bonus x2 Blood Gem of The Archfiend once from the quest sadly.. Maybe the drop rate is just too low.


    - Get "Tendurrr The Assistant" at least once before using this bot because it uses the buy back function for getting this particular item.
    - You NEED Grimoire 3.1 or higher in order for this bot to function properly.

    Bot: KISS THE VOID - You get Blood Gem of The Archfiend from that quest.

    Items: The bot picks up the following items

    - Fragment of Chaos
    - Broken Betrayal Blade (It's a temp item so it's automatically picked up without a prompt)
    - Tendurrr The Assistant - No need to bother with this item, bot uses "Buy Back" to get it.
    - Archfiend's Favor
    - Nulgath's Approval
    - Dessicated Heart
    - Blood Gem of The Archfiend
    - Unidentified 10

    Class: The default class is Blaze Binder, You can change it to your liking but I strongly suggest using an AOE class.

    Other features:

    - The bot automatically switches between areas once it has enough of the item for the specific quest part.
    - The bot has a buy back feature for "Tendurrr The Assistant".
    - The bot auto skips sections if you already fulfill the requirements for that particular section.
    - The bot Auto-relogs into Twilly (PS. After using the "Buy Back" function the bot needs to re-login in order for the item to show up and this is done automatically).

    Extra Notes:

    - The bot's efficiency when it comes to CHAOS GEMRALDs is rather lacking because I did not unlock the area where you can farm 3 of them at the same time which would have been slightly faster but it gets the job done, might add some upgrades to it in the future.

    Virus Scans:

    - https://virusscan.jotti.org/en-US/fi...job/33nemyqb7h
    - https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/2...is/1498345077/

    Thanks !, let me know if I missed or forgot anything.
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